Friday, September 26, 2008


I'm becoming jealous. It's not a very good thing that I'm used to taking all the photos for the school newspaper. Now, there's an army of photographers with good talent to boot. I'm not concerned with who's better than who, but who's getting more photos in the weekly paper! Damn! All I covered was fencing. And they didn't even use that AMAZING group volleyball shot. :|

I don't like this one bit. Work harder and strive to be better, that's what I'll have to do. I've got a good portion of the semester to do that...

Why don't they just accept how amazing I am, and make me not have to prove it? Life would be a lot simpler that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

had a longer comment penned out, but damn the slow newsroom comuter. so, in short, patience young grasshopper. it's ANYONEs game. just remember, always be armed and ready to shoot:)